Ryan Reynolds - Green Lantern

This costume caused controversy the second time fans saw it. A fully CGI Green Lantern? The stills and original trailers for the film looked pretty bad, and while the studio insisted it would look amazing on screen, the animated costume has been widely regarded as one of the many reasons for the film's failure. Star Ryan Reynolds later admitted that he didn't care for the CGI set.


 "I mean, it's brutal to make a movie where you wear a motion capture suit all the time," he pointed out. "I didn't even get to see the Green Lantern costume until the first trailer. I didn't even know what it looked like."

The filmmakers wanted to make something new for a superhero, and costume designer Ngila Dickson came up with the idea that the suit was his power manifesting out of the body, an interesting idea, but the special effects just didn't hold up, and Dickson agreed. . 

"We were literally doing what you would sculpt in a studio, but we were doing it with a computer," she recalled. "In many respects, we followed the same principles, but you never got the tangible result that you get from the construction that you do in a costume house."



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